SCION PRESENTS:INSTALLATION FIVE Scion Art Tour: Self-Portraitfeaturing Mark MothersbaughJuly 3rd - July 25th, 2009T&P FINE ART | 1143 South 9th Street | Philadelphia, PA 19147 | www.tandpfineart.comWith Self Portraits By:AJ Fosik, Alex Hornest, Andrew Schoultz, Angela Boatwright, Asylm, Blek Le Rat, Christina M. Felice, Codak, David Choe, David O'Brien, Edwin Ushiro, El Yem, Eriberto Oriol, Eye One, Francesco LoCastro, French, Ian Lynam, J.Shea, Jamel Shabazz, Jeff Soto, Kelsey Brookes, Kofie, Lisa Alisa, Logan Hicks, Mark Mothersbaugh, Nicholas Harper, Patrick Martinez, Peter Beste, Peter Glover, Retna, Rick Rodney, Rob Abeyta, Jr., Ron English, Saber, Sage Vaughn, Skypage, Something In The Universe, Souther Salazar, Stormie Mills, Tessar Lo, Todd Tourso, Too Tall Jahmal, Usugrow, Will Barras, Yoskay YamamotoOPENING EVENTFirst Friday, July 3rd, 2009 | 7PM - 11PM**Attending Artists**: AJ FOSIK | ASYLM | PATRICK MARTINEZ | SOMETHING IN THE UNIVERSE | CHRISTINA M. FELICEMusic Provided by DJ APT ONE
I have some new work at Edgar Varela Fine's a preview for a solo show there next month!!!
We are featuring the music talent of CASXIO , THE MONTHLIES and THE NIGHTS. New photography work will be on display that will be sure to please. Mark this on your calendars. Cheers!!
Join ISGOODMUSIC.COM along with hosts Dita Dimoné & Edgar Varela as EVFA opens its gardens for art viewing and live music for the after Artwalk crowd on the 2nd thursday of every month following the Downtown Artwalk. 9:00pm to 3:00am. LOS ANGELES - On Thursday, June 11th, the Edgar Fine Arts Gallery will morph into the by-monthly ‘Garden Party,’ an event that will encompass everything fresh and fabulous about Los Angeles’ art, music and fashion scene.
The gallery will feature new photographic work by Christina M. Felice and Rush Varela. We will also be featuring paintings from Bianca Regl.
542 S. Alameda Ave., Los Angeles CA 90012 (entrance is off of Palmetto St.). Doors open at 9:00 p.m. and admission is only $5 before 11:pm and $7 after. (213) 494-7608. $5 (before 11pm) $7 after.